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Instructions about the method to get admission in Russian Universities

To get admitted in educational institutions in Russia, students must have completed secondary level education. There is a compulsory pre-academic year for those who do not know Russian or/and for those with weak pre-university training. They must successfully pass the entrance exams. Foreign applicants entering universities should not be older than 28 (35 for doctoral studies, Aspirantura).

Entry regulations
Student visa and financial guarantees.

Language requirements
Pre-academic year to study. Russian.

Application procedures
Apply to individual institution for entry to all higher education institutions and to all academic and pre-academic program. Apply to national body for entry to higher education institutions.

Apply to:
Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
Shabolovka 33
Moscow 113819
Russian Federation
Tel: +7(095) 9545-127
Fax: +7(095) 2375-400

Application closing dates
For non-university level (technical/vocational type) studies: 15 Jul
For university level studies: 1 Apr
For advanced/doctoral studies: 1 Apr

Recognition of studies & qualifications
Studies pursued in home country: Higher education institutions that are accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation may issue State Diplomas which are recognized within the country. Non-accredited educational institutions issue their own non-state diplomas which are not officially recognized. Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials): Division of International Education and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education Head: Nikolay Zverev

Shabolovka 33
Moscow 113819
Russian Federation
Tel: +7(095) 9545-469
Fax: +7(095) 9545-353
E-mail: Zverev@ed.gov.ru

See Also..............................................................................................
Visa Process | Financial Aids | Universities List | Living Cost

Admission information for other countries:
Admission in USA | Admission in UK | Admission in Australia | Admission in Canada | Admission in Japan | Admission in Germany | Admission in Netherlands | Admission in Ireland | Admission in Russia | Admission in New Zealand | Admission in France | Admission in Switzerland | Admission in Cyprus | Admission in Poland | Admission in China | Admission in Singapore | Admission in Italy | Admission in Spain

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