Sections that you must attend while taking GMAT Test
Analytical Writing Assessment
The GMAT exam with the Analytical Writing Assessment,
consists of two essays topics selected by the
computer.30 min are allowed to respond to each topic.
One task is to analyze an issue; the other is to
analyze an argument.
This section tests elementary mathematical skills.
This section contains 37 multiple-choice questions of
either two question types, Data Sufficiency or Problem
Solving. You are allowed a maximum of 75 minutes to
complete the section.
This section contains 41 multiple-choice questions on
Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, and
Sentence Correction. The duration is 75 min.
Analytical Writing Assessment
Analysis of an Issue
1 topic
30 minutes
0 to 6
Analysis of an Argument
1 topic
30 minutes
Optional Rest Break
5 minutes
GMAT Quantitative
Problem Solving(*24 Questions)
Data Sufficiency(*13 Questions)
Contents of this
website are specially designed for Indian, Nepali, Pakistani,
Indonesian, Chinese, Hong Kong, Sri Lankan, Filipino, Malaysian,
Bangladeshi and other Asian students