Sweden is emerging as the popular destination for international students because
of its long and proud history of academic excellence along with its
participatory and research based education system. The North European country
with safe and modern environment also provides the high standard of learning
atmosphere for international student. Swedish government is positive towards
multicultural student body and takes it as the invaluable assets for the
development of nation from every aspect. The public spending on educational
sector is around 4.9% of the Net GDP which is among highest expenses on
education sector around the world.The free education for all, availability of wide range of scholarship and
flexible policy of Swedish government to allow all the students to work for the
support of their living in Sweden made it even more attractive destination for
international students. Universities in Sweden offer wide range of educational
programs of (around 500) in English language and these universities are renowned
worldwide for the encouragement they provide to their students to think every
matter critically with personal initiatives.