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Process to obtain Danish Student Visa for international students

The international students being a foreign national are required to have a residence permit to be eligible to continue their education in any educational institution of Denmark.

In order to be granted a residence permit student must document:

  • That they have been admitted to a higher educational program which has been approved by a state authority or which is offered by a publicly accredited institute of learning.

  • That student can support themselves for the duration of their stay in Denmark. If they are to pay a tuition fee, they must document that they have paid the tuition fee for the first semester or year, instead of documenting that they can support themselves.

  • That student can speak and understand the language of instruction and have a working knowledge of Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German.

Student’s participation in the educational program must have been arranged by a ministry or institution of higher learning or the educational program must be part of a post-secondary educational program which they have already commenced in their country of origin. In other words, they may be granted a residence permit either in order to complete an entire educational program or in order to follow part of a program as a guest student.

Normally, student must have obtained a residence permit before entering Denmark. They can submit their application in their country of origin (or in the country where they have resided permanently for the past three months). Students are required to submit their application at the Danish diplomatic mission (embassy or consulate general) in their country of origin.

Documents Required for Submitting Application

  • A copy of a valid passport or other form of legitimate travel documentation issued to them.

  • A passport photo. The photo must be 35 mm x 45 mm (size of head 30-36 mm from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head). They must be facing the camera directly.

  • Original documentation showing that they have been accepted at an educational institution. Please note that the original letter of acceptance must be attached to the application - copies will not be accepted.

  • If they have been accepted at a post-secondary educational program and have to pay a tuition fee, they must attach documentation that this has been paid for the first semester or school year.

  • If student is at a basic or youth education program, prerequisite course, folk high school, or if you are a guest student at a post-secondary educational program, or any other study where they are not to pay a tuition fee, they must attach documentation that they can support themselves during their stay. The required amount is DKK 4,200 per month, and the documentation can be a bank statement, evidence of a grant or scholarship, or similar. Please note that a bank statement could come from a foreign bank, if they submit a first-time application from abroad. (However, if they are from Bangladesh, Benin, Cameroun, Ghana, India, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan or Togo, the bank statement must be from a Danish bank or a bank in another EU country.) If student submit a first-time application from Denmark, then the bank statement must be from a Danish bank or a bank in another EU country. The same applies if student are applying for an extension of their residence permit on the grounds that they have been accepted for a new course of study.

  • If student is at a folk high school or at a basic or youth education program, they must attach documentation that applicable student fees have been paid. If student fees are to be paid in installments, subsequent to arrival in Denmark, they must attach documentation showing that they have the financial means to make these payments for the current school year.

Processing Application
When the Immigration Service has received  application for a residence permit, it will evaluate it along with the enclosed documentation. In addition, the Immigration Service will check to find out if they have been reported to the Schengen Information System (SIS).

If the Immigration Service receives information that does not correspond with the information they provided, they will normally be asked to explain discrepancies before the Immigration Service rules in the case.

Once the Immigration Service has received all necessary information relating to their application, it will rule in the case.

Receive the Ruling
Immigration Service will send the ruling to the diplomatic mission where student submitted their application. The diplomatic mission will then forward it to student’s home address, or request them to pick it up in person.

Processing Time
In an average, it takes about 60 days for the application to be processed.

Length of Residence Permits Granted
The duration of student residence permit depends on whether they are going to complete an entire education program, or only follow part of a program as a guest student.

If they are to complete an entire program, they will be granted a residence permit for the duration of the program.

If, on the other hand, students are only to follow part of a program, the residence permit will be granted for at maximum of two years.

It is a condition for the residence permit that students are active and enrolled in the educational program. If this is not the case, the Immigration Service can revoke their residence permit. The educational institution is obliged to inform the Immigration Service if they are not actively following the educational program.

See Also..............................................................................................
Admission | Financial Aids | Universities List | Living Cost

Student Visa information for other countries:
Student Visa USA | Student Visa UK | Student Visa Australia | Student Visa Canada | Student Visa Japan | Student Visa Germany | Student Visa Netherlands | Student Visa Ireland | Student Visa Russia | Student Visa New Zealand | Student Visa France | Student Visa Switzerland | Student Visa Cyprus | Student Visa Poland | Student Visa China | Student Visa Singapore | Student Visa Italy | Student Visa Spain

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