As a Social student they will be trained in techniques
of sociological research and analysis, and will gain a
solid understanding of their application in
organizational, environmental and academic contexts.
Student will further their knowledge of the
development of different society, and make comparisons
with others societies.
The personal, professional and intellectual skills the
student acquire will prepare them for a wide range of
educational and career opportunities in areas such as
public and private sector management, research
organizations, social work, pressure groups, charities
and voluntary organizations.
Programs Outline
This program will provide student with an in-depth
understanding of social processes, organizational
dynamics and inter-group relationships. It combines an
introduction to specific skills such as research
design and use of the comparative method, with a
structured training in the main branches of sociology.
Strengths of the program include its focus on key
contemporary social issues, social policy and decision
making and international comparisons of social
structures and policies.
Subject Guide
The course covers Social Theory; Social History;
Political Theory and Social Change; Contemporary
Society Research; Data Analysis; Social Movements;
Social Networks; Comparative Political Sociology;
Modern Organizations; Contemporary Social Theory;
Qualitative Sociological Research; Risks; Environment
and Society; Culture and Communication; Sociology of
Education; Sociology of Work; Citizenship and
Identity; Globalization; and Other Individual
Career Prospects
Graduates of Sociology are in demand from wide range
of employers where a sound understanding of societies,
team work and communication skills are required.
Student can seed jobs as an Management Trainees,
Housing Manager, Finance Officer, Police Constable,
Marketers, Financial Analyst, etc.
Please select the course below to get detail
information about the course and its career
Contents of this
website are specially designed for Indian, Nepali, Pakistani,
Indonesian, Chinese, Hong Kong, Sri Lankan, Filipino, Malaysian,
Bangladeshi and other Asian students