Computer Systems have a dramatic impact on the way we
work and live with new technology developing every
week. To gain competitive edge over its global rivals,
industry needs trend computer systems engineers who
can access, contribute to, harness, and influence the
growth of information technology. This program aims to
meet this challenge by expanding the breadth and depth
of student's knowledge in electronics, internet
technology, computing, digital systems and software
design and by encouraging the development of essential
professional skills.
Program Outline Student will gain a solid grounding in
software engineering and computing systems which will
be complemented by engineering expertise in digital
electronics and telecommunications. The wide range of
optional courses allows student to study in greater
depth those computing or electronic topics must
relevant to student's future.
Subject Guide This program covers Electronics; Circuits;
Communications; Internet Technology; Programming;
Mathematics; Digital & Programmable Electronics;
Telecommunications; Signals and Systems; Software
Engineering; Operating Systems; Object Orientated
Software; Team Project and Professional Studies;
Signal Processing; Digital Transmission; Analogue
Electronics; Internetworking; Data Networks; Formal
Software Development; and other options.
Career Prospects
Graduates have been in high demand from employers
offering career opportunities in business, commerce or
the public sector around the world. Graduates of
Electronic Engineer and computer Science can get job
as Hardware Engineer, Trainee, System Programmer,
System Analyst and more.
Please select the course below to get detail
information about the course and its career
Contents of this
website are specially designed for Indian, Nepali, Pakistani,
Indonesian, Chinese, Hong Kong, Sri Lankan, Filipino, Malaysian,
Bangladeshi and other Asian students