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Universities in Massachusetts
Complete list of Universities in Massachusetts

  1. American International College
  2. Amherst College
  3. Anna Maria College
  4. Assumption College
  5. Atlantic Union College
  6. Babson College
  7. Bay Path College
  8. Becker College
  9. Bentley College
  10. Berkley College of Music
  11. Boston College
  12. Boston Conservatory
  13. Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
  14. Boston University
  15. Clark University
  16. College of the Holy Cross
  17. Curry College
  18. Eastern Nazarene College
  19. Elms College
  20. Emerson College
  21. Gordon College
  22. Hampshire College
  23. Harvard University
  24. Lesley College
  25. Massachusetts College of Art
  26. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Allied Health Sciences
  27. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  28. Massachusetts Maritime Academy
  29. Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
  30. Mount Holyoke College
  31. New England College of Optometry
  32. New England Conservatory of Music
  33. Newbury College
  34. Nichols College
  35. North Adams State College
  36. Northeastern University
  37. Pine Manor College
  38. Regis College
  39. Salem State College
  40. Simmons College
  41. Simon's Rock College
  42. Smith College
  43. Springfield College
  44. Stone hill College
  45. Suffolk University
  46. Tufts University
  47. University of Massachusetts System
  48. Wellesley College
  49. Wentworth Institute of Technology
  50. Williams College
  51. Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  52. Worcester State College

This is not the complete list of universities in United States.

For Complete list of Universities in USA please check:
List of Universities in US

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